Monday, 10 September 2012

Two Kinds of Knowledge

There are two types of knowledge; Head Knowledge and Heart Knowledge.
Head knowledge is just reading or studying probably to pass an exam or make an impression during an interview and Heart knowledge is been fully convinced about something in other words  becoming aware of something so much that you know that you know that you know. Go for the heart knowledge because whatever you don’t really know about can be your punching mark.
There is a seed for everything in Life and knowledge is not an exception for example, the seed for access is honour. A form of gift you give to somebody higher in authority as your success or failure can be traced to somebody you honoured/ dishonoured. In other words honour is a bridge that balances equation between you and someone higher. This is also the reason why when a man honours God he gains power and authority.
Now the seed for personal transformation is knowledge/information.  So what then is the seed for knowledge? It is Listening, dedicated studying and attention to detail. Improve what you know, in your area of weakness get enough information in that area and concentrate for everything in life there is a seed and whatever you don’t have now is something you don’t know how to receive but Knowledge brings light!
Writing from my desk at work, Enjoy your day….

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