Thursday, 1 November 2012


Here is a tribute from many to Pastor Chukwudi Chineme of Dominion City Ikeja Lagos.
According to latin tributum contribution, tribute is wealth, often in kind or words, that one party gives to another as a sign of respect or, as was often the case in historical contexts, of submission or allegiance. Today a tribute is been paid to a man born as a gift to humanity on a glorious day as this 1st of November. First let us refresh our memory a little on an event that took place in Mark 8: 27-29. Now Jesus and His disciples went out to the towns of Caesarea Philippi; and on the road He asked His disciples, saying to them, ‘Who do men say that I am?’   So they answered, ‘John the Baptist; but some say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets.’   He said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’   Peter answered and said to Him, ‘You are the Christ.’ This question is been asked again in our time on behalf of an ICON, Pastor Chukwudi Chineme via People were asked to write what you mean to them in one sentence. Many responded complying to instructions but on a lighter note a lot decided to write a book instead of a sentence. For the purpose of what this forum stands for i will be filling in the register duly so their ink wouldn't be burnt in vain (lol). Apologies to all those who may have wished to write more. Here are the responses received so far:

PCJ is a mentor and a friend. His humility and Character is worth emulating.

Happy Birthday to a model of level 5 leadership. So simple yet tough, so funny yet deep. I love you and respect you so much sir.

He is a Christian I have very deep respect for, someone that is beyond a Pastor. He is a sent one.....

 PCJ to me is a man of few but power loaded words.
PCJ is the DEFINITION of TRUE CHRISTIANITY, backed up with Utmost Humility that is certainly not of This World!

PCJ is an icon as well as a role model to me 'cos he's both an exeptional pastor&an exeptional christian;happy birthday,sir.

A man who believes more in the future of others than they do themselves.

PCJ in one sentence is an Example of how the Christian life should be Lived in this Last days........he is an Epitome of selflessness and Humility, His very existence Challenging who I am and what I am doing with my time on Earth.

Sincerely, one sentence won't be enough but I would say ''he is my role-model in the christian faith and he's an amazing man of God that is so loving, caring, achieving and inspiring always and I love him so dearly.

Donald Gentle
Pcj's life is a big lesson to me and indeed God has made him an expression of Grace........his humour has made Gods word clear and simple.

PCJ is father, friend and model to me. His life has only changed for the best since I met him. And his wife just blows me away

English language has not made such improvements to contain the words I can use to qualify PCJ.but let me just say this: He is my MODEL, when I look@him,I see me.

PCJ is an epitome of humility. He is soft spoken, kind hearted & most of all he has a very big high sense of humour; he can get you to laugh until tears are coming out of your eyes; Lol!!!

Whenever I always think of PCJ, all that comes to mind is an extraordinary leader personality, symbol of true friendship and humility. I love you MY PEE, joo

This blog says it all....the overwhelming emotions that formed the backdrop of most messages here makes me validate my impression of PCJ
I had always readily told any and every one that "My PCJ" as I call him is "The man after God's heart"!I say this because he typifies Jesus Christ I dare say.His abounding display of agape love,immense humility,strength of character,profuse servitude,indepth understanding of the word......I can go on and on!
Sir,you are a comet!We love you and consider ourselves very priviledged to have met you.May the Lord eternally bless you and all that pertains to you.

PCJ is a model of what true Christianity should be.

A bishop and world changer

PCJ is more than a brother to me,
He's an epitome of Christianity

Pcj: he is a teacher, a mentor, a man that shown me what it is to be like Jesus.

You never leave his presence confused or agitated.there's this peace that surround him and rubs off on you. He also models Christianity...his talk is his do.

Okay: Words cannot explain who are, your simplicity is mind blowing, You're just like Jesus. I love you sir

he is my teacher, inspirer, role model, in fact, i don’t think i have a single expression to quantify him.

He is an icon

PCJ is my pastor, a man of God with great Vision

I have never seen a man that is as humble as PCJ, he is so humble and simply. He has touched my life in so many ways, his teachings, preaching, training and mentor ship He taught me how to get results in all i do.

Okay: Words cannot explain who are,your simplicity is mind blowing, You're just like Jesus. I love you sir

PCJ gave me a blueprint to the path of servitude for the people of God. He is a direct reflection of Jesus and his ministry

The first time i came to dominion city,i came looking for the head pastor Rev Ogbueli but i met PCJ instead..feeling a kind of withdrawn that it wasn't him that I needed at that point in time of my life to talk to but d main man.He took it upon himself to calm me down and reconnect back to God;since then my life has never been the same all thanks to PCJ.. 

Where can I begin? I heard about PCJ exactly 13years ago, as a teenager, my elder sister who was in University said, there was a pastor in her school who is so ablaze for God, one unique thing about him was that he used to preach in classes, but unlike others who may be booed half the time, whenever PCJ was up there, he speaks with such authority and clarity that no one says a word and souls always get saved in their numbers. That struck me even as a young girl, growing in my walk with God. I wanted to know that man. Pastor Chukwudi Chineme is an example of a Christian, beyond being a pastor, he is a godly man, full of love, full of the Spirit, character and selflessness. A man who is a blazing fire, filled with a deep passion for souls. God's true general! Years ago the enemy tried to take his life, but even Death could not resist the fire in his bones! I may be far away, but I can't forget! I'm eternally grateful to God for models such as him and honoured that my husband and I got the privilege of having him join us in marriage. To me, that's priceless! Not forgetting also, his humour, Pastor makes the gospel so easy to understand as he laces each truth with such humour, such that God's word will remain indelible in your heart. PCJ is a priceless gift to the world, we celebrate you again and again sir, Happy Birthday and anniversary! Words are not enough, but we just have to say it, thank you sir for answering the call, for the gift of YOU!

he is a captivating,listening and caring pastor and personally i luv him so so much

Now sir these are what people told me you are to them. You may now wish to direct the question to me as Jesus did in verse 29 of the scripture above, ‘’ who do i say you are to me’’?  For the sake of this , i had to consult people close to me to help me put words together as i was speechless trying to figure out YOU! And here is what my mum, sisters and brothers said of you;

Charity Onuoha
PCJ is a man of God full of wisdom, always ready to salvage situation. He is full of Agape love and i can liken him to Peter in the bible.

Hbd to a man that touched the life of my family and gave it a meaning.may the grace of God never seize in your life, happy birthday sir!

PCJ is an Epitome of love with the largest heart I've ever seen.

He is just the father that i lost 9 years ago! I love him so much and his teaching has made me who i am today!

You see it's amazing what my life would have looked like! Whenever I ever I read the bible and it says Moses I have heard the cries of my people I am sending you. I can identify with that because God sent PCJ into my life to mold me properly fit for the master’s use.
And also to imagine that Israel had to spend another 40 years because Moses wasn't ready is mind burgling. I look back at my mates and I see exactly what I would have been if not for the Man PCJ who made up he's mind to answer the call on he's life and was disciplined enough to recognize me in my raw state.
From the bottom I can't thank you enough
Thank you mighty Man of God
On this special day I celebrate you
Happy birthday.

I can only say you are an unlimited edition of Christianity of our time. You know no boundaries with the word, You are without qualification or exception, You are absolutely a man of Destiny! Knowing you and Pastor Okwi is one encounter i live to be thankful to God. Happy birthday/ Anniversary sir. We Love you and celebrate you today.

Thanks to everyone who has responded to this tribute. In case you still want to let PCJ know what you feel about him you can reply the message for add an on if you got one if not just inbox me. 


  1. PCJ represents all true christianity should be. He is a man of humility
